
Votive altar for the return of the comet.

Installation commissioned by CBK R’DAM for Open light, an exhibition around the ideas of 17th century French philosopher Pierre Bayle.

By separating the natural and supernatural lights, Pierre Bayle lays the groundwork for the replacement of the divine by the human. In this day and age, the desecration of the world is viewed by most as a sign of progress and liberation of the individual. However, now in the Holocene epoch, in the time of climate change and the sharp decline in biodiversity, one could question how relevant this idea of progress still is. The natural light of Pierre Bayle, the lights of reason and later the lights of science and knowledge have cast away superstitions and obscurantism; and nowadays in the western world, it is still by these lights that we make our decisions. How then do we come to reason with the fact that in spite of thousands of alarming scientific studies and numerous reports of the IPCC that these natural light still doesn’t shine to the blind eye of our leaders that fail against climate change, pollution, and the extinction event the world is currently going through ?

I have imagined a votive altar for the return of the comet like a critique at Bayle’s philosophy. An altar to light a candle upon which we could pray that our leaders may open their eye to the natural lights of reason.



A dutch landscape

A dutch landscape is a 15 min video, in three static shots, filmed on the brand new beach of Maasvlakte 2 in Rotterdam. About ten Bulgarian workers are working to plant the dune to delay the erosion of the new coast line and so create a new ecosystem.



Performance is not really the point, and neither is efficiency. Religion is the point: the religion of complexity. The myth of progress manifested in tool form. Plastic is better than wood. Moving parts are better than fixed parts. Noisy things are better than quiet things. Complicated things are better than simple things. New things are better than old things. We all believe this, whether we like it or not. It’s how we were brought up.

Paul Kingsnorth

  1. LE CORPS DES AUTRES, poster, plastics, A1, 2018
  2. LE CORPS DES AUTRES, poster A1, Publieke Werken , Rotterdam 2018
  3. DISPOSABLE 2, bitter dock, plastic forks, 120/100/12 cm, 2018
  4. PARADISES, discarded plastics, 350/350 cm, 2018
  5. Untitled, wood, paint, plastics, 550cm/350/350 cm 2018


Space occupation with reduced imput of materials and a minimum use of techniques en knowledge’s.

  1. COSMOPOLITIQUE DE LA TERRITORIALITÉ, cow skin 237/200 cm, studio, 2017
  2. FREE ACCESS | NO INSIDE, installation, 500/400/330 cm Neck of the Woods, Rotterdam 2016. Photo Bob Goedewagen.
  3. SHELTER, various discarded materials, 220/220/140 cm, 2015
  4. CUCUMBER, worms work, pur foam, cucumber 40/25/10 cm, 2017
  5. THE GRASSMAN , installation, clothes, soil, seeds 200/70cm, 2014